What To Know About Car Accident Settlements For Multiple Injuries

When it comes to getting compensation for multiple injuries in a car accident, you'll need to have all of the necessary evidence available. The insurance company may be hesitant to make a settlement offer until all claimants have been treated. You may be able to get more compensation if you can provide the insurance company with more evidence, but you'll have to be persistent. Here's how to get the most money possible.

First, you must file a police report. Although the police report is not required for property damage, it is a must in a personal injury case. Remember to include any lost wages or medical bills as evidence. The amount of time your injuries will keep you from working will also be considered. And of course, you'll have to document the pain and suffering that you endured as a result of the accident. If you're lucky, your attorney will be willing to give you a lump sum if you can prove that you suffered multiple injuries.

In one case, the driver of a truck who failed to yield caused a woman to break her left fibula, requiring surgery to repair her knee. Another case involved a woman who had slipped on a wet floor and sustained a torn rotator cuff and impingement of her shoulder. This woman was lucky. The insurance company that insured the other driver, Infinity Indemnity, paid $25,000 for her injuries.

Even with these compensation methods, you may not get enough money to cover your injuries completely. In fact, a lump sum settlement isn't likely to cover all of the expenses you'll need for future treatment. If you're suffering from more than one injury, you should contact a personal injury attorney who has experience handling similar cases. It's important to hire an attorney who specializes in car accident claims and personal injury cases.

The insurance company may recognize that you need more money than the minimum allowed by law. In Florida, if you and several other people were injured, the insurance company may be willing to pay more than that amount. However, you should note that there is no legal obligation on the part of the insurance company to pay more than this amount. As long as the other people were not seriously injured, you can expect to receive a settlement amount of $25,000 or more.  Find out how here.

Fortunately, there are ways to get the compensation you deserve after a car accident. The damages may cover a range of expenses, including medical bills, physical therapy, and lost wages. In some cases, the compensation you receive may even be enough to cover your entire medical bills. For instance, a 43-year-old woman in New York City was rear-ended by another vehicle while making a left-hand turn. She was able to recover $1.5 million in compensation for her injuries and her pain and suffering. The attorney that represented her won a settlement for her injuries, and she received compensation for her pain and suffering.

In the case above, the insurance company of the at-fault driver paid $10,000 of the BI limits. MRI images of the damaged motorcycle and the injured parties will defeat any arguments from the other driver. In addition, the police officer's daughter was injured in the same car accident. MRIs will help determine the extent of the injuries he suffered, so he might have received a higher settlement if he had undergone a medical procedure. Next Blog Post

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