Head-on Collisions - AVOID These Top 7 Dangerous Causes

February 9, 2023

Head-on collisions are some of the most dangerous and potentially fatal types of car accidents. They occur when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide in a head on head collision, often resulting in life threatening injuries or even death.

head-on collisions

Knowing the top 7 causes of head-on collisions can help you stay safe on the roads and prevent these devastating accidents from occurring, and most importantly, avoiding you and your passengers from becoming accident victims.

Seven Causes of Head on Collisions

The seven common causes of head-on car collisions include distracted driving, driving while fatigued, failing to adjust to poor weather conditions, lack of visibility, using drugs or alcohol while driving, aggressive driving and finally, wrong-way driving and illegal manuevers.

Distracted Driving

Driver distraction is one of the leading head-on collision causes as it takes a driver's focus away from the road and can cause them to drift into oncoming traffic. Common forms of driver distraction include cell phone use, eating, drinking, as well as other activities that take their focus off the road.

Driver Fatigue

Driving while fatigued can also be dangerous as it impairs a driver's ability to make decisions and react quickly in an emergency situation. Drivers who are tired may end up failing to stay within their own lane which can result in crossing over into oncoming traffic that causes potential dangerous situations leading up to potential head-on collisions

Poor Weather Conditions

Failing to adjust to poor weather can lead to drivers not being able to see other vehicles on the road and can result in a head to head car crash. Maintaining control when driving in poor conditions can be difficult due to low visibility during rain and snow, as well as on icy roads. These conditions increase the chance of vehicles crossing into opposing lanes that can result in head-on collisions.

Lack of visibility

With two lanes merging into one or two cars coming from opposite directions it is important for both drivers to be aware of each others’ surroundings; however when visibility is limited for either driver it could lead to a head on collisions because neither driver has had enough time to fully identify and assess needs onto respond appropriately just before impact occurs.

Impaired Driving

Driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous and can be deadly. The consumption of alcohol or drugs have been responsible for many head on collisions. When an individual consumes a substance that affects the brain, their judgment and reaction time are significantly lessened, which increases the risk of head on collisions. Even small amounts of substances can put one at risk for drunk driving-related car accidents.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving such as speeding or tailgating can also increase the risk of head-on collisions if another vehicle is forced off the road. When a driver is traveling at high speeds above the posted speed limit or traveling faster than the flow of traffic, they reduce the time they have to react in an emergency by increasing their risk of a possible accident.

Wrong-Way Driving & Illegal Maneuvers

Finally, wrong-way driving is one of the most common causes of head on car collisions as drivers may become confused driving in the wrong direction against oncoming traffic. Illegal maneuvers such as swerving around stopped traffic or U-turns across multiple lanes will increase the chances of running into another car going in the opposite direction.

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Injuries Caused By Head On Collisions

Head-on collisions are some of the most dangerous types of car accidents, often resulting in serious injuries or even death. Common injuries that can be sustained from head-on collisions include whiplash, back and spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury (TBI), internal organ damage, broken bones, and facial scarring.

  1. Whiplash: Whiplash is one of the most common injuries associated with  head-on collisions and occurs when the neck is suddenly jerked forward and backward due to the impact of the crash.
  2. Back and Spinal Cord Injury: A back or spinal cord injury can range from minor strains to more severe fractures or even paralysis.
  3. Traumatic Brain Injuries: Head injuries involving a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is another serious consequence of a head-on collision, which can cause long-term cognitive impairment or even death.
  4. Internal Organ Damage: Blunt force trauma can also occur during a head-on collision, which may result in damage to the internal organs caused by the impact of the crash.
  5. Broken Bones: Broken bones of the lower extremities are another example of one of the more common injuries associated with head-on collisions because the feet and legs are often the parts of the body that absorb a lot of the initial impact.
  6. Facial scarring and Dental Injuries: Head-on car collisions can cause serious facial and dental injuries that may leave lasting scars. Facial scarring is typically the result of skin being torn or burned, often caused by airbag deployment or contact with sharp objects in the car.  These facial scars can be emotionally traumatic, leading to long-term psychological issues.  Dental injuries can include broken teeth, jaw fractures, and loss of teeth. These dental injuries can be very painful and severely impair the victim's quality of life.

It's important for drivers to be aware of the risks associated with head-on collisions so they can take steps to avoid them. By following safety protocols such as wearing seat belts and avoiding distractions while driving, drivers can help reduce their chances of being involved in a car accident that results in a car accident head on collision.

Fatal Head-On Collision Statistics

Head-on Collision stats

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA), of the total number of fatal crashes each year from 2015 to 2020,  the head-on collision accident statistics reveal an average of about 10.4% of the fatalities have been the result of head on collisions.

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What to Do After a Head-on Collisions?

  1. Check for injuries: If you have been involved in a head on collision, your first priority should be to check yourself and your passengers for any physical injuries.
  2. Contact the police: Even if injuries are minor, it is important to contact the police immediately to make sure that you are not in violation of any laws or policies pertaining to traffic accidents. Always take note of the responding officer’s name and badge number and ensure that they write up an official report of the incident.
  3. Document the accident scene: Take photos or videos at the scene of the accident if at all possible, as this will be helpful when filing claims with insurance companies or defending liabilities against another driver in a court case.
  4. Exchange information with other drivers: You should always exchange personal and insurance information with other drivers involved in the accident and take note of their license plate numbers as well as their vehicle makes, models, and year. Make sure that you get copies of all documentation given by anyone involved in the crash so that records are kept on both sides.
  5. Seek medical attention: Following head on collisions, car accident victims can suffer from severe injuries, such as broken bones, head injuries, internal bleeding, whiplash injuries, organ damage to even catastrophic injuries. Get checked out by a qualified medical professional right away even if there are no visible signs of injury; some ailments may present themselves at a later date. Delayed reactions caused by shock or adrenaline levels released during a traumatic event like this one can mask pain until hours or days afterward when symptoms fully manifest themselves.
  6. Notify insurers of the car accident: When filing for repairs or compensation for damages due to property loss or personal injury following a car crash head-on collision, most routine paperwork will need to be completed beforehand by insurers who need documentation from both parties involved in order to begin processing claims towards reimbursements (if applicable).
  7. Consult with an experienced lawyer: Consider consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer shortly after being involved in a head-on crash; a car accident attorney provides insight into how you could protect yourself legally throughout what might end up becoming an arduous ordeal involving lengthy discussions between insurers representing both drivers — which could possibly lead to a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver and their insurance company, depending on circumstances surrounding the crash itself.

If you were injured due to someone else's negligence in a head-on collision, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, medication costs, missed time at work, pain and suffering and more. An experienced car accident lawyer can help determine fault and assist with filing a personal injury claim against those responsible for your damages.

Car accidents can be incredibly complex, with multiple elements and drivers potentially at fault. For help in determining fault, seek the advice from a professional Florida car accident lawyer. They have the necessary expertise to assess your personal injury case, and decide if you have any ground to pursue legal action and how to go about starting it.

It is important to act quickly after being involved in a head-on collision in order to protect yourself legally and financially. Following these steps can help ensure that you receive fair compensation for any damages incurred as a result of the negligence of the at fault driver.

Determining Fault in South Florida For Head-on Collisions

Fault determined in head-on collisions in South Florida can be difficult because the state is considered to be a "no fault" state. This means that drivers are not held liable for any damages resulting from an accident, regardless of who is at fault. However, there are certain factors that can help determine who is responsible for the accident.

For example, if one driver was speeding or driving recklessly, they may be held liable for the damages caused by the accident. Additionally, if either driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the car accident, they may also be found to be at fault. It's important to note that even though Florida is a no-fault state, it does not mean that drivers are immune from liability in cases of negligence or reckless behavior.

Types of Damages Recovered in South Florida Head-On Collisions

Those who suffer devastating injuries in head-on collisions could be entitled to damages. These compensatory awards are designed to make up for lost income due to an inability to work and provide long-term treatment when needed. Recovered damages also factor in any physical and emotional trauma resulting from the incident.

Damages arising out of these types of motor vehicle accidents are generally classified in one of two categories: Economic and Non-Economic Damages.

Types of Economic Damages

Some examples of economic damages that you could be entitled to after being injured in head-on collisions include:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Costs for long-term care(with severe injuries) , such as home health aides, assistive medical equipment, and home modifications 
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity

Types of Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages, or subjective non-monetary losses, are a type of damage that can be claimed after head on collisions. This includes more intangible incidences such as:

  • Physical pain
  • Emotional trauma and distress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Reduced life expectancy 
  • Scarring and disfigurement

How A Miami Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Recover Damages

In the event you were in a car accident, where another car crashes head on into the car you occupied, it’s important that you consult with a personal injury attorney who can assess the value of your case and negotiate for fair compensation from the insurance company. Because insurance companies are often keen to minimize their payouts, having an experienced lawyer on your side can help protect your claim so you’re not offered an inadequate settlement that won't adequately cover the costs associated with your injuries.

If someone in your family died in a head-on car collision caused by the negligence of the other driver, you or your family members maybe entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Come see us for your free consultation.

If you have injuries sustained from this type of accident, you may likely be dealing with medical bills and other costs. Our car accident attorney at Beharry Law LLC can help you to determine if you are entitled to economic or non-economic damages or both as a result of a car head on accident. Contact us today for a free consultation to review your case. Click that button below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is head on collision?

Head on collision is a type of car accident wherein two vehicles, typically traveling in opposite directions, collide with each other frontally. Head on collisions can be especially dangerous due to the large forces exerted on both passengers and vehicles during impact.

What causes a head-on collision?

A head-on collision happens when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide at a relatively high speed. This kind of crash is usually caused by one driver going the wrong way on a road, crossing over a double yellow line or some other form of careless driving such as fatigue, intoxication, distracted driving or vehicle defects.

What happens in a head-on collision?

Head-on collisions that occur between two vehicles can lead to severe physical trauma, including broken bones, serious lacerations, burns, internal organ damage or even catastrophic injuries . These traumatic impacts occasionally result in many accident victims being pinned in the vehicle or from being thrown out of the car usually result in greater severity of the injuries.

Why are head-on collisions worse?

Head-on car crashes are considered the worst type of fatal accidents because the two vehicles that travel directly into each other amplify the intensity of the impact with a resultant force that is much greater than any other kind of crash. As such, head-on collisions often result in severe injuries and even death.

Can you survive a head-on collision?

Head-on collisions are a deadly type of car accident, with statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety revealing that 56% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths in 2018 resulted from these crashes. Despite the odds, it is possible to survive a head-on collision, though it may not be without serious injury.

What kills people in head-on collisions?

When head-on collisions occur at high speeds, fatal injuries are a very real possibility. The three most common injuries that cause death in these motor vehicle accidents include traumatic brain injuries(TBIs), severed spinal cord or unrecognized internal bleeding from severely damaged organs.

If you or a loved one were recently injured in a car accident, contact our car accident lawyer for a FREE consultation . . . .

Michael D. Beharry, Esq.

An experienced personal injury attorney in the Miami area, who is committed to helping injured accident victims with cases involving car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, rideshare accidents, wrongful death, slip and falls, as well as brain and spinal cord injuries.

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